Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Time is precious, but truth is more precious than time.

Time is the most valuable thing that a man can spend.

We can sell our time, but we can't buy it back again.

You will never find time for anything you must make it.

Lost time is never found again.

You may delay, but time will not.

The future starts today, not tomorrow.

Everything Is Valuable Only At Two Times
First - Before Getting It.
Second - After Losing It.

Good times become Good Memories And Bad times become good Lessons.

Luck decides whom you meet in life,Your heart decides whom you want in life
but Time decides who gets to stay in your life.

There are two things you should never waste your time on:-

Things that don’t matter, and People that think you don’t matter.

Don't waste your time with explanations, people only hear what they want to hear.

Time, Love & Relations Don't Come With a Price Tag But When We Lose Them, We Realize the Cost.

If someone sticks by your side through your worst times, then they definitely deserve to be with you through your best times.
24 Jul 2013