Thursday, April 17, 2014

Remember to move forward and stop looking back otherwise the good things Will pass you by.

When you have to start compromising yourself or your morals for the People around you,It's probably time to change the people around You.

Never Ignore a person who loves you,care for you and misses you Because One day You might wake up and realize You lost the Moon while Counting the Stars.

The Heart is the only machine that works without any repairing for years. Always keep it HAPPY.. whether it is ' Yours ' or ' Others.'

Everything comes to you in the right moment. Be patient.

Always Laugh when you can, It is cheaper than Medicine.

Each HEART has Some PAIN only the Way of Expression is Different Some hide it in their EYES While some hide in their SMILE.

Biggest Mistake One Can Do Is Loosing Yourself In The Process of Valuing Someone Too Much And Forget That You Are Special Too.

The Best Place In the World is in the Arms of Someone Who Will not only Hold You At your Best But Will pick You Up And Hug You Tight At your Weakest Moment.

No one has the right to judge us because no one really know what we have been through. They may have heard about our stories,but they never did once felt what we felt in our Hearts.
17 Apr 2014