Friday, April 18, 2014

Respect The Emotions In Someone's Heart,Rather Than The Expressions On Someone's Face Because Expression Is Just A Formality

Every WOMAN Deserves a Man who Respects her. And every MAN Deserves a Woman who Appreciates his effort.

When Something Bad Happens you have Three Choices
-You Can either Let it Define you
-You Let it Destroy You Or
-You Can Let It Strength then you.

Ego is just like a Dust in the Eyes Without clearing the dust you can't see anything clearly so Clear the Ego and See the World.

People say a good heart will always be happy but I think a good heart most of the times get hurt very badly because it expect only good things from others.

You are the Powerful person only when your presence can be able to Decrease or Increase someone's Heartbeat".
18 Apr 2014