Monday, May 26, 2014

Your past mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you.

Your past is always your past. Even if you forget it, it remembers you.

THE PAST cannot be changed, forgotten, edited, and erased. It can only be accepted.

No one in this world is rich enough to buy his own PAST. So enjoy each moment before it gets beyond your reach.

The past should be left in the past, otherwise it can destroy your future. Live life for what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away.

The PAST should be left in the past, otherwise it can destroy your future.
Live life for what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away.

Just because the past is painful, doesn't mean the future will be.
So never let events from the past change the events for the future, or you will be miserable forever.