Sunday, March 8, 2015

Love all the situation we have face in our life every situation teaches us something.

Only two kind of people will not mind any thing you say.
The one for whom you are nothing and 
the one for whom you are everything.

Birth was not our Choice
Death is also not our Choice
the way we Live our Life is Absolutely our Choice.Enjoy it and make each day Memorable.

You never get a person of your type In this World
You will either have to adjust or You will have to Compromise
You adjust when Someone wants to be with you and You compromise when you want to be with someone.

Third person never create misunderstanding between two people.
But misunderstanding between two people creates space for Third person.

Heart Is Like A Bottle Of Perfume. If You Never Open It Nobody Knows The Fragrance Inside It.
If You Keep It Always Open Soon You Will Loose Your Fragrance.

There Is No Definition Of Good Day or Poor Day
It All Depends On You and Your Thoughts That Either You Run The Day Or The Day Runs You.

Sometimes in life difficult to decide, what is wrong?
a lie that draws a smile on our face OR the truth that brings tears in our eyes.

Biggest Mistake One Can Do Is Loosing Yourself In The Process of Valuing Someone Too Much and Forget That You Are Special Too.
08 Mar 2015