Monday, May 8, 2017

FRIENDSHIP shouldn't be a job, it should be a pleasure.

Friendship means understanding,
not agreement
it means forgiveness,
not forgetting.
means the memories last even if contact is lost.

Children have no need to "make" friends Children are friends by nature.

Best friends are like diamonds, precious and rare
False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.

Its Very Nice To Discuss Problems
With Friends Not Because They Will Solve It
Will Give Such Stupid Suggestions
That You Will Laugh & Forget The Problems.

FRIENDS tell you what you WANT to hear but best friends tell you what you NEED to hear.

The meaning of friends: It's not the friend who act's true to your face. It's the friend who remains true behind your back.

Be Selective In Sharing your problems with Others, because Only Few are Really concerned, Others are Just Interested

BEST FRIENDS never have the same nature,they just have best understanding of their differences.

Friendship is a bond between persons who may not be equal in qualification, talent, money or age but equal in their commitment to understand each other.

Its Very Nice To Discuss Problems With Friends Not Because They Will Solve It But Will Give Such Stupid Suggestions That You Will Laugh & Forget The Problems.

People who meet you in the journey of life expect a lot of things from you
There are some idiots who expect nothing more than you
They are your "TRUE FRIENDS"

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.

True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.
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